Course description
Teach Your Child "Safety With Strangers in a Positive Way"
A 3-hour course helping you teach kids safety with strangers and self-defense in a modern and positive way.
The course is based on hands-on games (no device needed), practical drills and real-life experiences.
If you need inspiration, feel free to use anything from the actual sales page, but don't share the page itself - this link is NON-affiliate.
Facebook post or Instagram photo
Add your affiliate link, delete hashtags if it's too long:
Teach your child #safety with strangers in a positive way AFFLINK
Stranger Danger vs Stranger Safety #bewithkids AFFLINK
Free online course for parents on kid’s safety #bewithkids AFFLINK
Test your child's safety level #bewithkids
Please let me know if you've created a tweet that was doing really well and should be added to this list.
Pinterest image - add your affiliate link
How you can promote Be WITH Kids Safety With Strangers training
- Write a new post on a related topic and pitch the course at the end
- Write up a short blurb to include in your next email
- Share your affiliate link on social media with a short quote or your review of the courses
- Edit an old post in your archives to pitch the course
- Put a code with a sales widget on your webiste
- Invite us to do a guest post for you
- Create and add Pins leading to your affiliate page onto your Pinterest boards
- Create and share video review of the program
- Invite us to do a Facebook live on your page or no-pitch educational webinar for your audience
- Invite us to do a sales webinar for your audience together with you (if you are not selling in bundle with us)
- Bundle our product with your product and do a Joint Venture webinar together selling a bundle
- Interview us for your podcast
- Invite your friends personally (if you are a student, not a business)
Ideas for the posts and emails
- Your own concerns and stories about how you were teaching your kids safety (please don't share your own past negative experience)
- How did this course changed your perspective on teaching safety
- What was your biggest insight that you've learned from the course
- What was the most useful part of the course (briefly)
- Why would you personally recommend this course
- Share your experience on how you played one of the practical games teaching safety (photo, video)
- Tips for using this course the best way