Be WITH Kids affiliate program description

About the Program

This project helps parents of kids 3-10 year old teach safety in a positive, hands-on way.

We would be honored to have you join our affiliate program today and help your audience see the topic of child's safety from a modern, positive and practical perspective.

Your readers will find their way from fear to confidence.

And their kids will be capable of keeping themselves safe.

We want to help you make a life-changing difference for your audience: from the point when parents want to ignore the overwhelming topic of safety altogether to the point when it becomes clear and manageable.

We will provide you and them with everything to help: lessons, conversations scripts, games, activities, and support.


Current Courses Available for promotion

There are several courses currently available for promotion.

Check them here

All courses are based on hands-on games (no device needed), practical drills and real-life experiences that do not require preparation.

Stranger Safety Be WITH kids

What's included

  • Online-courses earn 50% on every single sale you make. The pricing for the first part of the "Safety With Strangers" course is  $50, the pricing for the second part of the course (about other safety topics) is $80. Selling both parts can earn you up to $35-$65 on every student depending on the time of their enrollment and the bundle they are purchasing.
  • Receive free access to the (generous) free version of the course you are promoting to test it out and make sure it's a good fit for your audience. Check it out here.
  • Receive free access to the full course when you make your first 10 sales.
  • I will be providing you with the promo materials, updates, and content to help you maximize your earnings.
  • And the best condition: you have two options of the links that you you can share with your readers:
    • a link to a FREE course, (not a sales page). We will be doing all the sales work, you will not be loosing your audience due to the un-subscriptions. It's a win-win-win: your readers receive invaluable content, we make sales, you receive commission. Triple win for everyone!
    • a link to a sales page.
  • This is an evergreen course, you can promote it at any time between your own launches, add it to your new posts or updates, or just make it a topic of your newsletter the week when you don't have anything new to share with your readers. We will also be launching this course a couple of times a year with the promotion on my side.
  • Help your readers address the most challenging parenting task. Together we might be saving lives!

How to Get Started

If you haven't signed up on the previous page, do it now

Next steps

  1. Go to your email and complete your Be WITH Kids Ambassador Application. We manually review and register all affiliates within 1-3 business days (please note, for eligibility you must include your website (or social profile if you are a current student and don't have a business website) & you must have a PayPal account to start & to get paid!)
  2. When your affiliate application is approved, I will send you your affiliate code and the link to the affiliate center with the sample of the promotional copy, downloadable images, widgets, etc.

How to promote the course

While you are waiting for me to set up your affiliate account, check the free introductory course and brainstorm some ideas for how to promote the courses to your readers.

Promo ideas:

  • Write a new post on a related topic and pitch the course at the end – check out the list of post ideas below
  • Write up a short blurb to include in your next email
  • Share your affiliate link on social media with a short quote or your review of the courses – on your Facebook page, in Facebook groups you manage or participate in, on Twitter, and so on
  • Edit an old post in your archives to pitch the course
  • Put a code with a sales widget on your webiste
  • Invite us to do a guest post for you
  • Create and add Pins leading to your affiliate page onto your Pinterest boards
  • Create and share video review of the program
  • Invite us to do a Facebook live on your page or no-pitch educational webinar for your audience
  • Invite us to do a sales webinar for your audience together with you (if you are not selling in bundle with us)
  • Bundle our product with your product and do a Joint Venture webinar together selling a bundle
  • Interview us for your podcast
  • Invite your friends personally (if you are a student, not a business
Prompts for the posts and emails:
  • Your own concerns and stories about how you were teaching your kids safety (please don't share your own past negative experience)
  • How did this course changed your perspective on teaching safety
  • What was your biggest insight that you've learned from the course
  • What was the most useful part of the course (briefly)
  • Why would you personally recommend this course
  • Share your experience on how you played one of the practical games teaching safety (photo, video)
  • Tips for using this course the best way

These are just a few ideas to help you pick the direction ... but honestly, we all are parents and worry about the same things, I'm sure you will find your words that will draw people in.

! Important precaution 

Due to the sensitivity and overwhelm of the topic of safety we ask you to never use at your promotion: sad stories, negative experiences, statistics of crimes, scary videos of social experiments on abduction, etc.

Even thought scaring a mom to force her purchase a safety product may feel effective, nobody wants to be that mom, right?

Our goal is the opposite: to spread knowledge and confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does the Process Work?

The process is very simple:

  1. Go to your email and submit your application!
  2. Once you have been approved, you will be linking to our email subscription page (opt-in page) from your website posts, emails and social media campaigns.
  3. To do this, use a text link with your individual affiliate code that I sent you in the first email. Or, if you are tech-savvy to add a code to place a widget on your website, send me an email and I will provide you with the sales widget. It will create an ad banner with your personalized affiliate link built into the code.
  4. Visitor clicks on an affiliate link, or ad banner, on your site or in an email and visits our page promoting a FREE mini-course.
  5. The visitors IP is logged and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.
  6. The visitor goes through our the free email mini-course funnel that leads to a launch, and may decide to order.
  7. If the visitor orders, the order will be registered as a sale for you and you will receive commission for this sale.

Technical terms of how our affiliate program works are described here.

How do I get paid?

You’ll be paid via PayPal any commissions earned using the payment email address you entered when you registered as an affiliate. If your address changes, this is your responsibility to let us know as soon as possible.

When do I get paid?

You’ll receive commissions on a monthly lump-sum basis around the 20th of the month after the completed calendar month when you earned those commissions. For example, if you earned commissions for sales in January, you’d receive those earnings around 20ths of February.

Our refund period is 14 days, so if any of the students you referred requested a refund, the commission is recalculated automatically by that time.

How much of the course can I share?

Feel free to add a quote or one to three takeaways from the course in your blog posts. However, if you want to share longer excerpts or more than this, please email me at help @ bewithkids . com (delete spaces)

How do I know who clicks my referral links?

We use a referral program that tracks all of the clicks made to our email subscription page (opt-in page).

Once visitors enter it, it counts as a click on your dashboard.

The description to the affiliate dashboard is here.

What if my reader doesn't buy immediately? Technical details deeply:

Don’t worry.  We have got you covered:

Option 1: If you are promoting just a link to the FREE course:

  1. We establish affiliate connection by the first contact. The link that you are promoting leads to a direct registration for the free course hosted on Thinkific platform. Once the user creates an account for this free mini-course, the connection is established and he is linked to you as an affiliate for all his future purchases of this course. Even he purchases later through a general sales page or someone's else affiliate link, the commission is assigned to you.
  2. If the reader does not register (create an account) for the free mini course right away, but returns within 30 days, we have set the cookies to 30 days to cover the time of the pre-launch and launch, and still assign him to you.

Option 2: If you are promoting just the sales page:

  1. If the person purchased through your sales page affiliate link, the commission will be recorded. Make sure you are using the link from your affiliate center containing your affiliate code.

Option 3: if you are promoting both: an opt-in page first and sales page later

  1. We recommend this option to maximize your earnings.
  2. Additionally, it's a good option if the visitor doesn't register for the mini-course immediately. In this case we will not have her email address and will not be able to walk her through our sales funnel. You can still try to make this sale on your end by sending her a link to your affiliate sales page in a couple of days.

Help is here

I'm Erine, and I'll be glad to work with you!

I'll be helping you during the launch with both options: either when you promote the opt-in page (recommended) or the sales page - whatever you decide is best for your audience.

Webinar registration page Katy Sindy be with kids

The topic of the child's safety is super sensitive and this is not the course every parent wants, but the one every parent needs.

It takes time, effort, and diligence to delicately convert a reader who wants to click away and push this question to the side of his mind into a parent willing to work on it.

We do all this heavy lifting in our mini-course that you are more then welcome to check, use with your own kids and share with your readers.

Do you have a question not listed here? Please send me an email at help @ bewithkids . com (delete the spaces)

Join Be WITH Kids ambassador team, spread a good, worthwhile mission and earn your affiliate income today!

I'm looking forward to working with you!