Safety With Strangers Course Enrollment

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"Do you want

YOUR child to be SAFE?"


"Safety with strangers (and other people) in a positive way"

Online course for parents of kids 3-10 years old

You didn't plan on enrolling in a course on kid's safety, did you?


You may not even want to think about it - it's overwhelming. (I know—I'm a mom, too.)


But you are here for a reason - your child is getting older than you can hover over.


And you are an AMAZING PARENT.


Many parents think if nothing has happened to their kids yet, nothing will happen.

So they don't make any plans for that and leave their kids helpless.


Most parents don't teach safety until trouble comes to them personally.

Then it's too late.


You can teach your child to be safe.


It takes to play 5-minute games.

Or, you can keep worrying about your child being harmed or assaulted without you even knowing.

Most trouble happens WHEN PARENTS ARE NOT AROUND.


Stop just sitting and worrying - empower your child instead.


A modern perspective on teaching safety


A system that works WITH kids

This training is different in a big way

  • Positive - no scary stories or methods. We are helping you build confidence without scaring your kids.
  • Play-based - kids will understand and remember it.
  • Practical - you can teach, and they can use it in real life.
Safety for girls and boys2s

"This is worlds better than the usual "teach your kids to fear everything" safety resources." - Liz T., mom

How it works

  • You'll have examples of conversations
  • You'll teach danger awareness but kindness, at the same time
  • You'll teach by experience and involvement - so that skills stick forever

You will see your child's safety from a new perspective!

kids safety with strangers training conversation

As a result

  1. You will build your kids' confidence to handle a dangerous situation.
  2. You will help them be responsible for their safety and make smart decisions when you are not around.
  3. You will become less worried and more confident yourself:


What parents say

"Well, instead of dreading teaching this subject, I am now looking forward to starting it.

You're explaining things in a way that makes more sense to me than other resources I've read, and I can see how these methods can work for our family.

Some safety books I've looked through have felt so aimed at either scaring the kids or creating a very punitive family environment that I had a hard time seeing how they would fit into our family's dynamic." Liz T., mom

The program

This is not self-help or parenting advice. This is like a math class but on safety. It will work for different parenting and learning styles.

Module 1. The foundations for kids

A person in white suit with a box on his head walking under cameras
  • Who is the stranger, and whom kids can trust (one formula to eliminate all grey areas predators sneak into)
  • How kids can communicate with strangers safely if they need to (when you are around and when by themselves)
  • How to figure out when a stranger is NOT safe (+ an extensive list of red flags and common scenarios most parents don't even know exist)
  • How to use inner alert signals (and not to mix them with anxiety)
  • What kids need to do if they feel unsafe (and no one is there to help)
  • What kids can do if other kids break safety rules (and not be teased or left out for ruining the fun)

Module 2. Safe communications with strangers

Safety with strangers safe communications
  • How to make sure nobody forces your child to keep a secret from you (common techniques and verbal cues predators use to threaten, groom, and control - that your child needs to know to recognize).
  • How to instill the habit of sharing plans and asking permission instead of running off or disappearing from your radar (+ what to do so they never sneak out in their teens).
  • How kids should behave if someone pretends to know them (+3 types of family passwords you need to have with your kids)
  • What to do with outgoing kids who are talking too much (without shutting them off in fear)
  • Internet safety with strangers (+ most common backdoors to your child's safety if you rely on your kid's maturity or trustful relationships with you - "I can check their phone at any time. they tell me anything" mistakes)
  • Sexual safety with strangers and people kids "kinda-know" (+ predators in public places, playgrounds, people flashing on kids, etc.)

Module 3. Strangers to avoid

Safety with strangers avoid3
  • How to figure out when a stranger is a tricky person (apart from asking for help and asking to keep a secret)
  • What to do if a stranger is asking your child for help (including other kids and elderly people)
  • When and how kids can help safely
  • Eight situations that should alert you and your child
  • What to do if a stranger claims to be sent by the parents (and if this is true)
  • Emergency plan in case something happens to one or both parents (or other family emergency)

Module 4. If a stranger becomes dangerous

Safety with strangers break rules
  • How to figure out when a situation becomes dangerous, and it's okay to break the rules and social norms (+ levels of alertness and readiness)
  • What kids should (and realistically can) do in case a stranger is using force against them

Module 5. Fighting dirty - kids self-defense

Safety with strangers self defense
  • How to give your kids permission to defend themselves (+how to make sure they will be playing a leading role in saving themselves)
  • What a child should do to attract attention so it does not look like a tantrum (how to address the right person and make sure they do the right thing and not shy away)
  • How to call for help to get it (how to establish the contact and break the contact if necessary, how to enlist helpers, how to guide them in what you need)
  • How to get out if you cannot get help (if nothing else scenarios)
  • Self-defense kids can use against adults (including unfair techniques)

Can you imagine your child trying to figure out all these things on his own?

OR will you help him?

Provide kids with tools to use in case of assault, abuse, or situations when you are not around to protect them.


Teach "red flag" awareness without instilling a fear of ALL strangers.


Warn them about bad strangers without taking away their friendliness to the good ones.

What parents say:


"Be WITH kids "Stranger Safety" course has been a very insightful course.

Every module covers a different aspect of stranger safety with ideas and games to play with your kids to teach them about this topic.

I was pleasantly surprised with the detailed content and how easy it was to understand it.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to start teaching their children about stranger safety.

It really opens your eyes to situations you may never have though of." - Sophia Koulakis, mom 

What child care professionals say

Hands down, the "games" at the end were fantastic

I felt more armed with knowledge of how to better equip my kids to deal with strangers and their feelings.

You're doing a great job! I'm learning SO MUCH about my attitude, my beliefs and what MORE I should be doing for my kids, THANK YOU!" - Laura Richards, Mum of two and Founder of Laura's Wee Lambs, Childminding Service

Why is this program better than anything you have seen?

It’s different from anything you’ve seen before:

  1. Positive - gain confidence and not scare your kids
  2. Play-based - kids will remember it
  3. Practical - use in real life

Designed for busy moms and dads:

  • Age-appropriate explanations
  • Hands-on games
  • Quick lessons
  • Conversation scripts and examples
  • Recommendations for special situations
  • Tips on how to avoid mistakes
  • A community of support
  • A positive coach (and a mom who's been in your shoes) – because nobody needs more fear!

Who is your coach?

Hi, I'm Erine Joy, founder of Be WITH Kids.

Our super-active kids inspired us for this training by crash-testing all possible safety measures.

We couldn't find any modern, empowering, hands-on safety curriculums, so we sought help from safety professionals to create an innovative one.

And now we are sharing it with you.

Our life is so much easier, and yours can be too!

P.S. I'm also a CEO of a software company and an entrepreneur.

EJ 3x4 official

What parents say:

"I love the reassuring and confident tone you take in the modules.

You are not tearing me down or telling me I've been doing everything wrong. Instead you're giving me other viewpoints to consider and other tools to try."  Liz T., mom

What parents say:

"The biggest is the realization that I should not be trying to teach him specific step-by-step reactions for every potentially unsafe situation, but that I should be working more on helping him develop his skills and intuition so he can react safely even in situations we've never discussed." Liz T., mom 


What parents say:

"I completed "Safety with Strangers" course and absolutely loved it!!

Before I started, I had so many questions about how to approach the subject with my kids because I didn't want to scare the life out of them - I'm already scared enough by it!

By the end, though, I had the confidence and knowledge to go through these topics one at a time with my kids, in a meaningful and logical way.

My favorite parts were the games included at the end of the modules. They really helped understand the way to teach these things to my kids in a tactile, sort-of real life way so they would retain the 'what to do if...' mentality.

I think the biggest benefits of the course are:

(1) the fact that the instructor is a mom and knows her stuff really makes it easy to follow along and be truly supported along the way, and

(2) there are several different topics that I can almost promise you've never thought about until really digging into how to keep your child safe by prevention.

I definitely recommend this course to all moms who want to make their kids knowledgeable and capable of keeping themselves safe!!", Stella Nadene, mom of 3

How much does it cost to protect your child?

Safety with Strangers course

$ 59.99
  • 5 modules for parents
  • 45 games for kids
  • Facebook community support

Bonus content:

1. "Confidence booster"

  • Transfer your own fears  into confidence
  • Cope with your past negative safety experiences
  • See your teaching through your child's eyes + help your child remember

2. "Shy and fearless kids"

  • How to keep your shy child safe
  • How to keep your fearless child safe

How the training looks inside

Your student dashboard


Inside course to be withkids kids safety with strangers 1 step

Inside modules

Practice, games, conversation scripts and inmplementation tips


Inside course to be withkids kids safety with strangers

Inside lessons


Inside course to be withkids kids safety with strangers

"I love the content so much that I feel like a bad parent since I have not taught my kid this yet." Sophia Koulaskis, mom

How to enroll

Step 1: Click the button ENROLL


Step 2: Create your student account

Be with kids safety with strangers training

Step 3: Enter your payment information

Step 4: See your payment confirmation 

Safety with strangers course receipt

Step 5: Welcome to the class

Welcome to be withkids kids safety with strangers class

"I love how you are reassuring to the parent!" Apple Brooks, mom


What parents say

How do you feel about your fears now after using this module? "Fears are normal but I can choose not to pass them on to my child. Just because I'm afraid of something doesn't mean my child needs to be - I can teach her how to react in instances."

What are the new things you've learned? "Repetition is key to getting a response in stressful situations. Talking about something once or watching a video isn't going to get an automatic reaction when kids are tested with stressful situations."

What did you find most helpful? "That I don't have to pass along my fears - i can educate my child on what responses are appropriate in situations. The examples of the stories and examples to say when talking about them with my child." - Missy Glaser, mom

What parents loved the most...

(This training was tested and approved by parents - just like you)

I love the approach of this training:

“Fear does not live at a well-lit place, full of knowledge and confidence.

Safety starts at home, fear starts at home too.

You choose if you would like to keep your fear and pass it to your kids or make it work for you and them.”

— Esther Hermans, mom

“I loved the games for teaching kids to say "No", and how to end the conversation.

We're always nagging at them to speak to people and say "please" and "thank you", but never about how to shut down someone that's invading their space in an inappropriate way.”

— Stella Nadene, mom

“The new things I haven’t thought before?

Teaching my child how to break the rules when needed.

How to give him permission to defend himself.

The part about learning self-defense sparked something for me.”

— Shophia Koulakis, mom

I captured this during my class in a law enforcement department:

Untitled (2048 x 1152 px)_20240604_150939_0000

This is the last call:


Don’t wait.

It might be too late.

P.S. If you need helpm please email: hello @ bewithkids . com (delete spaces)